Tuesday, 27 January 2015

After last Monday’s bad start I was filled with trepidation for Tuesday’s tempo run. My trepidation was well placed, after glancing at my watch during the warm up I noticed I was doing slower than 8 minute miling. Once I got started I did however do the first mile in 6.07 so was thinking maybe I was in for a pleasant surprise. The second was a little slower but I felt awful. I really wanted to stop but knew I’d regret it and pushed on. After holding it together as far as mile 4 the wheels really came off and the last two miles were both slower than 6.30. But to be honest I was just happy that I finished it. Looking at my HR, my average was only 160 and looking back at my HR for the 3K race it was also lower, only peaking at 170 whereas I would have expected to max out (around 178ish). I interpret this as fatigue, which is understandable considering my high mileage of late. Warmup 2miles Tempo run 6.25miles @6.18 HR 160 Warmdown 4.75miles
Thankfully the rest of the week showed a major improvement, Wednesday an easy 8miles AM followed by 5PM with 10miles AM on Thursday.
On Friday it was time to hit the track again and I did a session of 6x1mile. I had it in my head that the first one should be no faster than 6.00 or 5.50 if I was going really well. Completely surprised myself with a 5.41 but felt grand. Decided to see if I could make sure I was under 5.50 for the remainder and I was with (5.47,5.45,5.46,5.47 & 5.46) . Only really felt under pressure towards the end of the 5th and for most of the 6th but overall a good session.
I planned a long run Saturday, but as I had a few hours work to do, I was little undecided which to do first. After seeing there was a good chance of snow later in the day I said best get the run out of the way (It started snowing heavily almost as soon as I finished!). After Monday’s disaster I was hoping things would go a little better & in fairness they did. Got in my first 20 miler and at 7.10 pace to boot. Felt fine though and the last few miles were only a shade over 7 minute miling giving  20miles @7.10 HR141. This gave me a weekly total of 86miles (highest ever) and afforded me my first day off, of the year on Sunday. Decided that I deserved a few beers which I thoroughly enjoyed and even managed to resist hitting the Pizzeria afterwards. Had a very lazy Sunday.   

Yesterday was Tempo time again and even though I was still a little shook after Saturday night I was hopeful of being close to 6 minute miling. Again my first mile was 6.07 and after the second I was at an average of 6.10per mile. However after a 3rd mile in 5.54 I was down to 6.03 average by mile 4. Alas once more the wheels came off & I ended up with a 6.15 & 6.16 for the last 2 miles giving an average of 6.07 @165bpm. Better than last week but still a bit off. I have an easy week planned for next week & I think it is well needed at this stage. Still, not there yet.

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