Tuesday, 12 February 2008

A good start is...

Right, first post obviously. Yesterday was 16 weeks to D-Day, 2nd of June 08 and the date for the Cork Marathon (www.corkcitymarathon.ie). This will be my second attempt at this particular marathon posting of time of just over 3.30 in last years event. This was 40minutes quicker than my debut in Dublin the previous October. This time round then aim is the break 3 hours, and I'm using this blog as a means of tracking progress as well as a motivating tool.
Before officially starting training I was logging anything between 40 & 65 miles a week. The plan is to build to 80-90 before the end of my program.
Anyway down to business:
10.15miles 1.11.20 AvgHR 149bpm 7.01min/mile
10.2miles - Don't know HR or distance as I forgot my Garmin, d'oh! but I'd say I averaged about 7.40min/mile as the first 4miles were 8+ as I was running with a work mate

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